Thank you for your interest
Thank you for your interest
Thank you for your interest in supporting the Wikimedia Foundation. We are not fundraising in your country at this time, but monetary contributions are not your only option for donating to and supporting Wikipedia.
Wikipedia is a "wiki", which means that everyone can edit pages. You don't need to apply or get special permission to join us. At the top of each page is an "edit" label. Try it, for example, at the Wikipedia sandbox. You don't even need to log in to edit, although creating an account gives you more options and helps you keep track of your contributions. There is no central editorial board; all edits are made by individual members of the Wikipedia community. For more information, please see the introduction.
If you have any further questions regarding Wikipedia or editing, please contact This email address is answered by longtime project participants who have vast experience in Wikipedia-related issues.
Thanks again for your interest, and we hope you join us!
|FI = Warning: Display title "Thank you for your interest" overrides earlier display title "Thank you".
Thank you for your interest
Thank you for your interest in supporting the Wikimedia Foundation. Unfortunately this web page cannot include information on how to provide funding to Wikimedia due to the current authority interpretation of the Finnish money collection legislation. For more information, please refer to the statements by the Wikimedia Foundation and the Finnish National Police Board. [1] [2] [3] (in Finnish)
Please know that monetary contributions are not your only option for supporting Wikipedia.
Wikipedia is a "wiki", which means that everyone can edit pages. You don't need to apply or get special permission to join us. At the top of each page is an "edit" label. Try it, for example, at the Wikipedia sandbox. You don't even need to log in to edit, although creating an account gives you more options and helps you keep track of your contributions. There is no central editorial board; all edits are made by individual members of the Wikipedia community. For more information, please see the introduction and tutorial.
If you have any further questions regarding Wikipedia or editing, please contact This email address is answered by longtime project participants who have vast experience in Wikipedia-related issues.
Thanks again for your interest, and we hope you join us!
Kiitos mielenkiinnostasi
Kiitos mielenkiinnostasi Wikimedia Foundationin tukemista kohtaan.
Valitettavasti rahankeräyslain nykyisen viranomaistulkinnan johdosta tämä sivu ei voi sisältää tietoa siitä, miten Wikimedian toimintaa voi rahoittaa. Tutustu Wikimedia Foundationin ja Suomen poliisihallituksen asiaa koskeviin lausuntoihin. [4] [5] [6]
Raha ei kuitenkaan ole ainoa tapa tukea Wikipedian toimintaa.
Wikipedia on ”wiki”, mikä tarkoittaa, että kaikki voivat muokata sen sivuja. Päästäksesi mukaan sinun ei tarvitse täyttää hakemusta tai saada meiltä lupaa. Jokaisen sivun yläreunassa on ”muokkaa”-painike. Kokeile sitä esimerkiksi Wikipedian Hiekkalaatikossa. Muokkauksia tehdäksesi sinun ei tarvitse edes rekisteröityä, vaikkakin tilin luomalla saat käyttöösi enemmän vaihtoehtoja, ja se auttaa sinua pitämään kirjaa omista kirjoituksistasi. Keskitettyä toimituskuntaa ei ole; Wikipedia-yhteisön yksittäiset jäsenet tekevät kaikki muokkaukset. Lisätietoja löydät Tervetuloa Wikipediaan -osiosta.
Wikipediaan tai sen muokkaamiseen liittyvät kysymykset voit lähettää osoitteeseen Viesteihisi vastaavat pitkäaikaiset projektiin osallistujat, joilla on paljon kokemusta Wikipediaan liittyvistä kysymyksistä.
Kiitos vielä kerran mielenkiinnostasi, toivottavasti liityt joukkoomme!
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Wikipedia still can't be sold.
Thank you for considering a donation to the Wikimedia Foundation.
We invite you to reflect on the number of times you visited Wikipedia in the last year. If the knowledge you gained here was valuable, please join the 2% of readers who donate. Any amount helps: $5, $20, $50, or whatever feels right to you today.
In the age of AI, access to verifiable facts is crucial. Wikipedia is at the heart of online information, powering everything from your personal searches to emerging AI technologies. Your gift strengthens the knowledge of today and tomorrow.
If Wikipedia has given you useful knowledge this year, please give back. There are no small contributions: every edit counts, every donation counts.
Thank you.
Wikipedia still can't be sold.Thank you for considering a donation to the Wikimedia Foundation. We invite you to reflect on the number of times you visited Wikipedia in the last year. If the knowledge you gained here was valuable, please join the 2% of readers who donate. Any amount helps: $5, $20, $50, or whatever feels right to you today. In the age of AI, access to verifiable facts is crucial. Wikipedia is at the heart of online information, powering everything from your personal searches to emerging AI technologies. Your gift strengthens the knowledge of today and tomorrow. If Wikipedia has given you useful knowledge this year, please give back. There are no small contributions: every edit counts, every donation counts. Thank you. |