Manual:$wgRestrictDisplayTitle set to false (wikimediafoundation.org is one of these). Facebook's debugger can be used to test, and force an update of their cache.
This template adds some extra hidden content to a page, to be picked up when it's shared on Facebook. Note that this template must be the first thing to appear on a page for it to work, and the "title" parameter will only work on wikis with{{2011FR/lp-social-media |title = Title for sharing. Default is "Keep Wikipedia Free". |description = Description of the link. For some reason this has to be above a certain (undetermined) length or it won't be picked up. Test with the debugger. |image = Relative URL of image to display, default is "//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/foundation/9/9a/Wikimediafoundation-logo.png" }}